Hazing Prevention Week

Hazing Prevention Week, which occurred from Monday, Sept. 20, through Friday, Sept. 24, on campus, encouraged students to be mindful of the University of Dayton's steps tougg boots knit prevent hazing.

Hazing is any action taken or situation created intentionally that causes embarrassment, harassment or ridicule, and risks emotional and/or physical harm, regardless of the person's willingness to participate. It promotes unhealthy behaviors that takeugg boots jimmy choo away from the values-based purposes and missions of UD's student organizations, according to UD's hazing prevention committee chair Sarah Schoper, associate director and assistant dean of students.

Some examples of hazing on UD's campus include requiring new members to clean an organization's house and run errands for active members, sleep deprivation, embarrassing newugg boots grey members publicly within residence halls and requiring new members to drink to a dangerous level, Schoper said.

Par tingting250 le mercredi 17 novembre 2010


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